Karl and Fredrieka (Juhnke) Suenram
Albert and Fredricka (Juhnke) Knopf
Carl F. W. and Francis (Kaufman) Juhnke
Family History And Family Tree Book
A family history and family tree book is being produced for the descendants
of Karl and Fredrieka (Juhnke) Suenram, Albert and Fredricka (Juhnke)
Knopf, and Carl F. W. and Francis (Kaufman) Juhnke. The book is expected
to be available at the Juhnke family reunion to be held at the Grand Prairie
Hotel in Hutchinson, Kansas, August 17 and 18, 2007. All family members
are encouraged to attend the reunion.
With the help of the family reunion committee and other volunteers, it
is our goal to produce a book covering the Juhnke family history, and
a complete family tree for the Karl and Fredrieka (Juhnke) Suenram, Albert
and Fredricka (Juhnke) Knopf, and Carl F. W. and Francis (Kaufman) Juhnke
families. We will need the help of extended family to complete this project.
Your help would be greatly appreciated!
Please E-mail or send the following information to Jerry Juhnke at Juhnke500@AOL.com
or to 920 N Preserve, Wichita, Kansas 67206. As much information as possible
will be included in the publication. We will also consider a family picture
CD if we run out of room for pictures in the publication.
We need:
Fact sheets: for each individual in the family tree (including
spouses). The sheets can be reproduced on the FAMQUEST.doc
file (the link will open a file in Microsoft Word.) The sheets may be
returned as a hard copy or as an E-mail attachment. If you have any questions
on how to complete the files, please call or write Jerry Juhnke at the
above contact information.
Historical photos: of individuals, buildings, or personal
items of historical significant to the family. Please also include
an explanation or story suitable for publication as to why the photo
is of historical significance. Group photos are generally preferred.
Photos could be returned on a computer disk or as an E-mail attachment.
Please do not send hard copies unless no other suitable methods
are available.
Stories: of family events or of other significance historically.
Please make the stories as factual as possible with accurate dates,
names and locations. Please let me know if they have had prior publication.
Biographies: for everyone through Carl and Fredrieka's grandchildren
and optional for great grandchildren or later. For those that are
deceased, please ask for a child or grandchild to write a biography
or provide a biography that has been used in a prior publication.
Sometimes a funeral program will be a good source. About 400 words
is a good length. Please return any items that you would like to
have published as soon as possible.
All information will need to be submitted by June 1, 2007 to assure publication.
A sampling of other information that will be included in the book:
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